Madama Butterfly

Pjotr Sapegin’s “Madama Butterfly” animation was an extremely powerful stop-motion animation. Although stop-motion is difficult to achieve, this animation was very well put together. The story starts of with a woman and her lover.  They sleep with each other and create wonderful memories together.  The woman is so content and in love with her man.  However, he man sails back out into the water, leaving her behind.  Her love for him is so strong that she waits for him, with his hat and all.  As she awaits his return, she realizes she is pregnant and soon delivers her baby all by herself.  She raises the baby on her own while waiting for her love to return.  When she sees him arrive she is extremely happy, until she realizes he is pulling up with his new wife and all of their children.  The man literally rips her child away from her. The woman’s life begins to fall apart and she commits suicide by physically taking herself apart.  The entire animation was an emotional rollercoaster.
The emotions, actions, music, and the use of color play a powerful role within the animation.  Without these key components, it would be difficult to understand the plot of the story. The bright colors showed happiness and the dark colors showed depression based off of the woman’s emotions throughout the animation.  The music also greatly portrayed the emotional rollercoaster that the woman experienced throughout the couple of years with and without her love and child. The music was both soft and dramatic at the right times.
The metaphor of the butterfly representing happiness in her life seemed to be pretty obvious.  When the butterfly appeared, the woman seemed content with her life.  As soon as the butterfly disappeared, the music and emotion in the animation drastically changed.  For example, when she was with her love the butterfly was there but as soon as her love sailed away, the butterfly left with him. Another metaphor that I realized was the umbilical cord, which symbolized the relationship between the woman and her baby.  When the woman was floating in the air, it seemed as though the baby was keeping her from floating away from reality and happiness.  As soon as her love ripped her baby from her, ripping the umbilical cord, she fell apart.
Overall, I was very impressed with the stop-motion animation and the touching story it portrayed.


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