Final Video

I decided to create a movie trailer for a horror film. The killing is about a man, his wife, and their baby, Connor, who recently moved to the neighborhood in a house that was struggling  to sell for years until the family decided to buy it.  After about a month of living there, the couple began to realize strange things were happening around the house, including their son speaking to an imaginary friend named Ryan.  The house that the family moved into was known to be haunted by a guy and his sister who passed away in the house 20 years ago. 

Although this was kinda of difficult for me to create, I think it turned out well. I used small portions of youtube videos to create the trailer and put my own audio and sound effects onto the video. The hardest part for me was matching up the sound effects with the objects moving, etc.  However, overall this was fun to make but had me very scared to go to sleep every night because of the amount of ghost footage I had to watch to find these small clips. 


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