Raul Cuero's Creativity Concepts

            Raul Cuero suggests that there are many different ways to achieve knowledge, success, and survival through mental, physical, and spiritual development.  I have actually already used some of these concepts in my everyday life. One concept Cuero spoke about was the idea that having a positive attitude and having the ability to commit to something without the fear of failure. He believes this mindset can ultimately lead you to success and harmony. Throughout the past 5 years I have used this mindset countless times to achieve my desired goals.
For example, after suffering from a traumatic brain injury, I was constantly told I would not be able to graduate high school, let alone go to college. However, I told myself I was capable of doing both, and I did.  I exceeded everyone’s expectations about how I was no longer smart enough to finish school. Even today, I use the critiques I am given based on how smart I am and what I am not capable of doing and I use these negative comments to motivate myself to reach further. Another example of how I used the creative mindset and commitment to things without the fear of failure is when I changed my major a couple of months ago from a science major to a Graphic Design major.  Just as Raul Cuero took a chance to be inspired to change from a basketball player to a scientist, I took the chance to find the inspiration to change from a science major to a fine arts major. I am now diving full force into my fine arts degree and learning so many new things just by being creative and using my own mind to learn, just as Raul Cuero did by creating his own knowledge. I was unsure at first as to if I would do well in these arts classes, but I decided to take them regardless instead of fearing failure.
One of Raul Cuero’s concepts I can easily apply to my everyday life would be to communicate with my family and friends by discussing more philosophical based conversations about life, rather than discussing TV shows and what we are going to do on the weekend. Another concept of Raul Cuero’s creativity concepts that I can use and apply throughout my everyday life would be the idea that one learns through doing, not necessarily through being taught knowledge and intellect that is already known.  I can use my drawing class as my first step in creating my own knowledge and I can do so by creating works of art that can be interpreted in different ways.  In this case, I would not only be creating my own knowledge, but I would be aiding others in creating their own knowledge seeing they would need to view the piece in their own perspectives.





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